I read a review in Time Out that raved about the fact that "Tom’s legendary eggs benedict/florentine are lovingly prepared with real hollandaise and perfectly poached eggs". They forgot to mention the legendary raw muffins on which those perfectly poached eggs are served. Or the fact that when you specifically order your benedict on toast in order to avoid said raw muffins, they will be served on raw muffins anyway. Did I mention how much I hate raw muffins? If you like raw muffins, get yourself down to Tom's Deli, 226 Westbourne Grove, Tel +44 20 7221 8818, and join the queue.

It's a pity they muffed up my muffins, because otherwise it was an impressive eggs benny. Nicely poached eggs. Delicious, meaty slabs of Parma ham. Good hollandaise, even if they were too lazy to clarify their butter. And an excellent side of hash browns, all soft and mushy in the middle, as they should be.
The Full English wasn't bad, with the usual suspects of eggs, bacon, pork sausage, black pudding, mushrooms and tomato on toast. But I would have thought a true "Full" English would have beans as standard, and it's always annoying when the menu promises "sausages" and they only serve one.
If you prefer a lighter breakfast, Tom's does half a pink grapefruit for £3.75, or maybe a pain aux raisins for £1.95.
In the end, despite my annoyance at the whole muffin thing, I walked away quite impressed by the skills of our waiter. I expressed my outrage. He copped it sweet. He didn't give me any lip. He didn't make weak excuses. And I respect him for it.
13/20 "Parma ham"