Silo Still the One
As Channel 9 pins its hopes on Eddie McGuire to stop the ratings slide, Silo Bakery is "Still the One" for a top notch Canberra breakfast. And while Eddie ducked into Bambini Trust to celebrate the new job (before the official announcement on the 6pm news), I tucked into a very nice gruyere omelette at Silo. Even better than I remembered.

After this morning's visit, I think I'll have to upgrade Silo to 17/20, with a couple of extra points for coffee and extras compared to the original score.

After this morning's visit, I think I'll have to upgrade Silo to 17/20, with a couple of extra points for coffee and extras compared to the original score.
i've been meaning to post about Silo. the pastries are fabulous, but i'd heard that the rest of the food was mediocre, good to hear otherwise.
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