Scoring System
As hard as it is to compare brekky venues, I still need a way to answer the question "where do I find the best eggs in town?" So, I've devised a system for scoring each venue, which, all going well, will allow me to rank them from best to worst.
The score-card covers the eggs, the extras, the rest, the coffee, the help, the buzz, the price, and whether the venue is worthy of a repeat visit, and looks like this...

The eggs are scored from 0-4, where...
4 = flawless
3 = very good
2 = good
1 = just ok
0 = not good
The extras, rest, coffee, help and buzz are each scored from 0-3, where...
3 = very good
2 = good
1 = just ok
0 = not good
You can get -1 penalty for price, if the price represents bad value (admittedly a subjective judgment). This is represented by an X above the price symbol on the score-card.
You can get +1 bonus if the venue is worthy of a repeat visit (again, this is pretty subjective, but I find the question "would I come back?" helpful in sorting the sheep from the goats). This is represented by a tick/check above the repeat symbol on the score-card.
It all adds up to a total score out of 20. To get a perfect score, you'd have to get top marks for eggs through buzz, be worthy of a repeat visit, and not be a rip-off.
The score-card covers the eggs, the extras, the rest, the coffee, the help, the buzz, the price, and whether the venue is worthy of a repeat visit, and looks like this...

The eggs are scored from 0-4, where...
4 = flawless
3 = very good
2 = good
1 = just ok
0 = not good
The extras, rest, coffee, help and buzz are each scored from 0-3, where...
3 = very good
2 = good
1 = just ok
0 = not good
You can get -1 penalty for price, if the price represents bad value (admittedly a subjective judgment). This is represented by an X above the price symbol on the score-card.
You can get +1 bonus if the venue is worthy of a repeat visit (again, this is pretty subjective, but I find the question "would I come back?" helpful in sorting the sheep from the goats). This is represented by a tick/check above the repeat symbol on the score-card.
It all adds up to a total score out of 20. To get a perfect score, you'd have to get top marks for eggs through buzz, be worthy of a repeat visit, and not be a rip-off.